Roman Catholicism versus Freemasonry
This is the final battle, Christianity versus
Judeo-Masonry. Read the Traditional Pontifical
statements condemning the evil sect of
Freemasonry, as outlined by the famous
Monseigneur Jouin.

"The Papal condemmnations of
Freemasonry are so
severe and sweeping in their tenor as to be quite
unique in the history of Church legistlation.
During the last two centuries Freemasonry has been
expressly anathematized by at least ten different
Popes and condemned directly or indirectly by
almost every Pontiff that sat on the Chair of
Saint Peter. . . . The Popes charge the Freemasons
occult criminal activities,
with 'shameful
deeds,' with worshipping Satan himself (a charge
which is hinted at in some Papal documents), with
infamy, blasphemy, sacrilidge, and the most
abominable heresies of former times; with the
systematic practice of
assassination; with treason
against the State, with anarchical and
revolutionary principles and with favoring and
promoting what is now called Bolshevism
Communism]; with corrupting and
perverting the
minds of youth; with shameful hypocracy and lying,
by means of which Freemasons strive to hide their
wickedness under a cloak of probity and
respectability, while in reality they are the very
'synagogue of Satan,' whose direct aim and object
is the complete destruction of Christianity."
-- Father E. Cahill, S.J., "Freemasonry and the
Anti-Christian Movement, as quoted from secondary
source, "The Permanent Instruction of the Alta
Vendita", by John Vennari, TAN Books
Despite the strikingly strong Papal condemnations
of Freemasonry, it's clear that corporate Masonry
has gone to great lengths, with great success, to
subvert the Catholic Church, and Vennari's booklet
drives this point home with admirable brevity and
force. This booklet is highly recommended, not
only for concerned Catholics, but also for those
Protestants who'd rather kill the cancer that
plagues Catholicism than see the Catholic Church
destroyed from within.