What's Beyond Freemasonry?
Blood on the Altar
Reviewed by Cornelia R. Ferreira
Reprinted without permission from Catholic Family News, August
Vatican II
commenced, a little-known secret society, the Ordo Templis
Orientis (OTO), conducted a ceremony to celebrate the opening of the
Council. The OTO's occult icon, the "Stele of Revealing," was carried
across Germany from Hamburg to Zurich, then onwards to Stein, where it was
borne into the OTO's chapel, with bells ringing, for a Gnostic ritual. (p.
103) Just what is this Ordo Templis Orientis, and what advance
knowledge did it have of the Council's designs that caused it to
celebrate? These questions are answered in Blood on the Altar as Craig
Heimbichner unravels the history and workings of what he calls the world's
most dangerous secret society, the power behind the Invisible Government or
The Cryptocracy is involved in the transformation or "alchemical
processing" of mass consciousness by psychological mind manipulation.
With the help of the secret societies, tests are set up and responses
measured, to "shape" world events. (pp. 5-6, 15, 137) The goal is to
have the masses live as controlled puppets in the Masonic New World Order.
Established a century ago, the OTO is the "graduate school" of
Freemasonry, and is self-titled the "Masonic Academy." It contains all
the degrees of Masonry and Illuminism and is the highest secret society for
elite Freemasons. An international organization, the OTO is a
tax-exempt organized religion in the United States. (pp. 13-14, 25, 76, 87,
91-92). The writings of its long-time head, British Intelligence agent
and satanist Aleister Crowley (d. 1947), who called himself the Great Beast
666, reveal the OTO is grounded in satanism.
Crowley called Satan "my Lord" and said, with regards to the OTO, "We
have no scruple in restoring 'devil worship.'" (p. 28) However, in
the OTO, the devil worship is not openly done under the name of Satan, but
surreptitiously under the name of the goat-headed satanic idol
Baphomet. Also termed Lion and Serpent, Baphomet is worshipped as God
in the Gnostic Mass, the OTO's central liturgy (pp. 29-30).
Composed by Crowley, the Gnostic Mass is not a Black Mass, i.e., a
reversed Catholic Mass, but a blasphemous parody of the Catholic Mass. (p.
15) It is very important to understand that the roots of
Freemasonry intertwine with Judaism, as it helps us to see the hand of
Masonry behind the Judaizers in the Catholic Church.
All Masonry, says Mr.
Heimbichner, is subordinate to Judaism. A
"key operative" in the establishment of the OTO was a member of the B'nai
B'rith, which is Jewish Freemasonry. (p. 89) The essence of
Freemasonry, Mr. Heimbichner says (pp. 8-9), can be traced to the Sumerian
worship of Satan ("Shaitan") that passed into ancient Egypt and
Babylon. The ancient forms of devil worship were then preserved and
passed down through the oral teaching of the Jewish rabbis as the
"traditions of the ancients or elders," strongly condemned by Jesus Christ
(Mk. 7:1-13; Mt. 15:1-9).
After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D., the oral teaching
was gradually written down in what became the Talmud and the Kabbalah.
The Talmud and Kabbalah, the latter being completely gnostic and
black-magical, form the basis of Judaism, a religion "utterly distinct" from
the Old Testament religion of the Israelites. Judaism is "a sect
top-heavy with unscriptural, man-made tradition and pagan superstition." Mr.
Heimbichner cites Jewish authorities on the Kabbalah and experts on occult
symbolism to expose the fact that certain Kabbalist rites correspond to the
occult Hindu Tantric yoga techniques of sex magick. These depraved
rituals are a continuation of the temple magic of the Canaanites,
Babylonians and other nations, which drew down the wrath of God. Their
purpose in Judaism is to fuse the male and female aspects of divinity to
produce the androgynous, balanced, "completed male" Jew, the "body of God,"
called Adam Kadmon.
"The duty of pious Jews," says a Kabbalah authority quoted by Mr.
Heimbichner, is to recite a Kabbalist formula daily to mystically promote
this unity. (pp. 77-78, 86, 136) The Jewish Encyclopedia admits, says Mr.
Heimbichner, that Jewish gnosticism includes occult magick and it inspired
Christian Gnosticism. (p. 88) This occultism was also transmitted
through the Manichaeans, Cathars and other groups, eventually corrupting the
twelfth-century Knights Templar, transforming it into an occult Order.
The Order was condemned and closed down by the Church for worshipping
Baphomet and practising sodomy - which occultists consider "advanced" sex
magick (pp. 9, 80).
The Templar tradition made its way into Freemasonry, and sex magick "lies
at the heart of top-level Freemasonry such as exists in the OTO." It
is the "supreme secret" of Masonry, known only to high Masons. (pp. 77, 81,
95) There is sex magick in the eighth and ninth degrees of the OTO and
homosexuality in the eleventh, its highest degree (pp. 88, 113). And
even the lowest levels of Masonry, the Blue Lodge, teach the gnostic denial
of God and the affirmation of man as God, ruler of himself, a "risen"
divinity - i.e., a type of Antichrist. (pp. 81-82)
The Double Mind
Craig Heimbichner reveals that this teaching is a typical OTO/Masonic
deception. Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite
Masonry, confessed in his 1871 book Morals and Dogma, which is "the
defining dogmatic statement of Masonic belief," that Blue Lodge members are
deliberately deceived as to the meanings of Masonic symbols. Only the
"Adepts," or "Elect" get to know the occult secrets. It is the purpose
of Masonry, said Pike, "to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from
[low-level Masons]." (pp. 56-58) As Mr. Heimbichner notes, "the
illusion of self-rulership and divinity is used as an intoxicating drug to
inoculate dupes both in the lodges and outside into believing themselves
omnipotent and omniscient," above possible enslavement or deception. (p. 82)
The actual "light" that Masons pledge to seek, and which is found in the
highest levels of Masonry, Pike taught, must be received from Lucifer, the
"Light-Bearer." He said the search for Light leads back to the
Kabbalah, and Crowley affirms this, also asserting that the Kabbalah is the
"whole basis" of the OTO. Thus, concludes Mr. Heimbichner,
"Freemasonry is a nursery of Luciferianism from which promising candidates
are selected [for higher degrees], while others are left forever in the
dark, content to exploit their good-old-boy connections and play their
charity charade." (pp. 58, 116-17)
Satan being the father of lies, Masonic "charity" is a veneer hiding the
true purpose of Freemasonry, which is the totalitarian control of the world
according to Kabbalistic principles. Mr. Heimbichner notes that "the
Masonic identification with Lucifer is an attempt to invoke the supernatural
force that energizes tyrannical rule," and he cites Scriptural passages that
compare tyrannical kings with Satan. In modern times, we have the
French Revolution and Communism, both "imposed in the name of lofty masonic
ideals of fraternity and equality, and Judeo-Bolshevik promises of paradise
for workers and peasants." (pp. 59-60)
Mr. Heimbichner makes the important observation that the Kabbalistic
attempt to merge a male and female divinity, as well as combine two opposing
pillars of Mercy and Severity in its Tree of Life, indicates its inherently
contradictory - indeed, dialectical - nature. It produces a "Double
Mind," which, as practised by its Masonic/OTO disciples, generates "a
hypnosis of confusing but convincing double-talk." (p. 61) Readers
will undoubtedly recall George Orwell's portrayal in 1984 of the
insanity-producing double-think that characterizes a totalitarian
society. Control over a person's mind is complete when you can get him
to simultaneously hold two contradictory ideas as equally valid.
The androgynous Baphomet, worshipped by the OTO, symbolizes the Double
Mind, i.e., two-faced duplicity. This accounts for the deception
practised on Masons themselves. But seeking total world control, the
OTO has also been spreading double-think through society and the Church,
attempting to control both the Left pillar of libertarianism and radical
hedonism, and the Right pillar of preference for authoritarian, aristocratic
rule and classical culture. Mr. Heimbichner has tracked the
infiltration of OTO members into the US government and military, NASA,
Hollywood, the FBI, Right-wing "patriot" groups and the New Age
Movement. He provides examples of how its wide-ranging influence on
the elite has allowed it to transform the masses, "spreading the 'energy of
Satan' across the planet." (pp. 17, 119-29) He uses the example of OTO
leader James Wasserman to illustrate how the OTO infiltrates the Right Wing,
and states that he and other investigators have compiled evidence of occult
agents in the Traditional Mass movement. (pp. 35-40, 44)
Certainly this reviewer has encountered double-minded Traditionalists who
promote a "Catholic" occultism, even suggesting that the Black Mass could be
licit. Other Traditionalists delve into the trance-induced
"prophecies" of Nostradamus or constantly seek out modern, unapproved
seers. And Traditionalists who wonder if St. John in "The Last Supper"
painting is actually Mary Magdalene have been alchemically processed by the
blasphemous libel against Jesus Christ and His Church in "The Da Vinci Code.
" Outside the Traditionalist movement, transformation is a splendid
success. The clearest indications are the refusal of neo-conservatives
to criticize Pope John Paul's syncretism and sacrilege-laden Masses, though
knowing these actions to be wrong; and the bid to canonize him as a martyr
although he died peacefully in bed and loved by the world.
The Law of Thelema
Attempting to destroy Christian morality, OTO head Aleister
Crowley preached the Law of Thelema: "Do as you will," or, as it is known in
popular jargon, "Do your own thing." He highly influenced the hippie
movement and the use of psychedelic drugs. Crowley was popularized by
the Beatles and other rock stars, Hollywood and major bookstores. (pp.
48-50, 130) His engagement in animal sacrifice, and his call for human
sacrifice, may have been a factor in the Manson murders. (pp.
With disciple Gerald Gardner, he created the modern system of Wicca or
"white witchcraft," which is not traditional witchcraft, but the
"witchcraft" and goddess-worship practised by feminists and modernist
Catholic nuns. The Harry Potter films and books, which promote the
notion of the "good witch," have been credited by the Pagan Federation of
England for interesting thousands of teenagers in witchcraft.
Disney films, TV shows and pop stars also pitch Wicca to the young,
observes Mr. Heimbichner. (pp. 16, 52-54) Aleister Crowley Tarot cards
not only introduce youth to the OTO, but also are the basis of role-playing
computer games that increasingly feature dark themes, bloodletting and OTO
demons. (pp. 24-27) Given his own use of sexual magick, the
bisexual Crowley preached that all perversions should be practised openly,
and that "all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every
type of sexual act." Mr. Heimbichner comments that "his advice has
been taken to heart by the Hollywood entertainment industry and the New York
publishing houses," whilst some OTO members have promoted "man/boy
Further, he says, the notorious 'sexologist' Alfred Kinsey (d. 1956),
whose influence on sex education helped to erode American morality, was a
friend of Crowley, whom he cited as a "major inspiration." Kinsey "was
a pederast who used hundreds of children in sex acts connected with his
famed 'medical research,'" but was glorified in a 2004 Hollywood movie from
Fox studio. (pp. 16-17, 117)
Mr. Heimbichner makes two important points here. First, his
research shows that the roots of this spreading cancer of pedophilia, that
has even tarnished the Catholic priesthood, actually lie not in Crowley or
the OTO, but in the Talmud. (p. 114) Second, given its own promotion
of immorality, media outrage regarding clerical homosexuality betrays its
Double Mind and its part in mass hypnosis. Media double-think in any
context "tests the trance-state of the populace," i.e., what the masses will
accept as official news or explanations. The programming or
transforming of minds is then adjusted depending on the response. (p. 112)
Mr. Heimbichner provides double-speak examples from the Talmud and Jewish
man-made laws of "rabbinical sanctions of child molestation," even against
girls younger than three years old. Not surprisingly, "sodomy in the
synagogue," says Mr. Heimbichner, "is a well-kept secret." He cites a
recent report in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, "that decades of sodomizing
of [male Talmud school] students was permitted and covered up by 'the
greatest of the ultra-Orthodox rabbis.'"
There is, of course, no outcry in the
controlled Western media. (pp. 114-16) Meanwhile, our formerly
Christian societies have been "transformed" to accept sexual perversity as a
human right, and the institutionalization of perverse liasons as
"marriage." It is only a matter of time and further re-education
before pedophilia is sanctioned because "Crowley regarded any
separation between homosexuality and pederasty as artificial and absurd and
refused to restrict himself." Restriction, he taught, is Sin.
Mr. Heimbichner observes, "The 'Sin of Restriction'" is now viewed by
influential American educators, journalists and judges precisely as Crowley
viewed it." (pp. 117-18)
Now, it is quite obvious today's world is completely
youth-oriented. Laws ensure that youth are not disciplined.
Education is "child-centered." Fashions, music and entertainment are
geared towards the young consumer. Political parties have youth wings,
the age of voting is being lowered, and governments and the United Nations
seek the input of youth. Even the Catholic Church has got in on the
act, preaching Crowley's Law of Thelema - do as you will - to the
young. There are youth or children's "Masses," highly corrupted to
appeal to them. Youth are encouraged to discuss - criticize -
traditional beliefs and practices of the Church. Instead of teaching
them to follow the Commandments of God and the Church, they are taught to
discover their own values and devise their own spirituality. This
Thelemic pandering culminates in the wild extravaganzas called World Youth
It just so happens that Aleister Crowley predicted (pp. 50-51) that the
advance of "Crowleyanity" in mainstream culture would engender the "'Aeon of
Horus,' the age of the Crowned and Conquering Child," which would overthrow
the "Aeon of Osiris," the age of the "Dying God." In other words, says
Mr. Heimbichner, Crowley's New Age is one in which "God the Father is thrown
off by Horus the Child," as a rebellious youth culture emerges. (As
Pope Leo XIII explained in his indictment of Freemasonry, Humanum Genus,
Masonry controls the masses, especially youth, through the "gospel of
pleasure.") Crowley further planned that both the " Left-wing"
rebellion and the "Right-wing" reaction would be controlled by the
OTO. So, for instance, we have both society and the diocesan-level
Church, through programs for parents of allegedly homosexual youth,
brainwashing parents to accept their children's sinful "lifestyle" (the
battle for getting them to accept cohabitation has already been won).
Blood on the Altar
In the early twentieth century, the OTO nearly succeeded in placing one
of its Satanist members on the Papal throne. Mariano Cardinal
Rampolla, Secretary of State under Leo XIII, was elected to the papacy after
Leo's death. Only the exercising by Emperor Franz Josef of
Austria-Hungary of the emperor's long-standing privilege of vetoing a papal
election, led to the removal of Rampolla and the election of Pope St. Pius X
instead. But through Rampolla, who "influenced key men," "the OTO had
the opportunity to give counsel, plant seeds and ultimately shape policy
within the Vatican" in the following decades, notes Mr. Heimbichner.
He follows the trail of influence down to Freemason Archbishop Annibale
Bugnini, architect of the destruction of the Tridentine Mass. (pp.
It is noteworthy that besides including Rampolla in its list of members
in its 1917 Manifesto, the Judaic OTO also claimed the Chiefs of several
Catholic Orders of Knights as "initiates of the highest rank." These
included the Knights of St. John, Malta and the Holy Sepulchre. (pp. 91-92)
Which brings us back to why the OTO celebrated the opening of Vatican
II. It obviously had advance knowledge of the Judaization,
occultization and Thelemization of the Church that would now take place
openly. The breaking down of the true Church and erection of a false,
anti-Catholic Counterchurch, hardly noticed by the gradually hypnotized
Catholic grassroots, shows the OTO's faith in Vatican II was not
misplaced. Indeed, in 1970, narrates Mr. Heimbichner, a portrait
painted by a German Lutheran depicted a "repellent, evil" Paul VI, clutching
a dagger and destroying St. Peter's Basilica, whilst surrounded by
Illuminati and Satanic symbols.
The pontiff cooly commented that the portrait was "a mirror of the
situation in the Church today," and that "one almost needs a new philosophy
to grasp the meaning of this in its context." This new philosophy is
the philosophy of Thelema or self-will, explains Mr. Heimbichner, whilst the
context of the Church's destruction is the Aeon of Horus, in which the
satanic Masonic New Age replaces Christianity. (pp. 106-7, 136)
The final Aeon proclaimed by Crowley will be the Aeon of Maat, the era of
the Antichrist or the false Jewish Messiah. At that time, says Mr.
Heimbichner, "Freemasonic leaders hope to finally fulfill their Third Degree
ritual by rebuilding Solomon's Temple so that blood may again flow upon
Jerusalem's altar, defiantly reversing and nullifying, in the Talmudic and
occult mind, the blood of Christ."
As Crowley exclaimed to a Jewish rabbi: "Let Anti-Christ arise, let Him
announce to Israel its integrity." The OTO is paving the way for the
"hoped-for Judeo-Masonic dream of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon so that
the blood of animals may once again be present at the rabbinical
altar." How close are we to this event? Well, Mr. Heimbichner
cites a rabbi who says Jewish tradition calls for the re-establishment of
the Jewish Sanhedrin as "a necessary condition for the rebuilding of the
He then quotes an Israeli news report of October 14, 2004, that
announced, "After secretive preparations that lasted for over a year, the
Sanhedrin ... will resume its operation after 1,500 years." (pp. 125-26,
Craig Heimbichner ends his book warning that we must sacrifice our time and energy in
the pursuit of truth. We must
reject the Double Mind, cast off the Thelemic trance and reverse the
alchemical-hypnotic process so that we are not sacrificed on the OTO's
altar, for our damnation. (p. 135) Of course, as Catholics, the
way to avoid having a Double Mind is to stick firmly to Tradition, shun all
novelty, and reject the fantastick.
Cornelia Ferreira is co-author, with John Vennari, of World Youth Day: From
Catholicism to Counterchurch, which analyzes occult infiltration of
Catholicism and offers a devastating portrait of the shipwreck that was the
pontificate of Pope John Paul II.
To read a book review of "Blood on the Altar", click here
To read about important recent case involving the OTO, click here
To read about documented case of OTO ritual abuse, click here