author of The Unholly
Alliance, here gives us his view of the
planned "prophetic" blueprint of the
Judeo-Masonic Emperium:
"We have seen how the Unholy Alliance between the
Jew leaders and the leaders of England was
consummated, and we have seen how the Jew's
hatred of Catholic spiritual power has compelled
them to destroy Catholic Europe with the help of
the British Empire, which the Jews now control
through their takeover of British Royalty through
intermarriage and actually knighting of Jews
since the time of Queen Victoria. Remember,
Royalty, previous to this time, had been mainly
Christian and this is why the Jews has worked to
destroy the Christian Royalty. British Israel is
the front that the Jews and British leaders hide
behind in their atttack on Catholic Europe and
In order to look at the blueprint of conquest of
the coming Jews and the leaders of the British
Empire, we have to look again at the Scofield
Bible. We notice a development of a resurrected
Roman Empire, as a "prophesied" future event.
This so-called beast system of ten nations is
emblemematic of the ten toes of the image in
Neuchadnessar's dream according to British
Israel. In alliance with this beast system of
nations is the Catholic Church (Mystery Babylon)
and this "unholy" union is destined to attack
Israel (Anglo-Saxonndom and teh Jews). In other
words, Catholic Europe in alliance with the
Catholic Church of Rome is to attack Great
Britain and the United States accordgin to
British Israel prophecy. The now complete
political power of the Empire is setting the
world stage to enact what it hopes will be the
final drama to usher in the spiritual-economic
order. Theough political and military power are
under the control and direction of the Empire,
they must solidify these gains with the
establishment of the spiritual Christian states
"With a show of 'divine' deliverance' to an
apparently besieged Israel. This enactment of
pre-arranged 'prophecy' is designed to unify the
spirit of mankind.
In order to work this fakery, the Jew-run British
Empire has infiltrated the Catholic Church with
its cabalistic Jews and Masons, in order to give
the Church the prophetic appearance of the harlot
of Mystery Babylon so that it can be
"prophetically" destroyed.
The destruction of the Catholic Church and the
historic Catholic states of Europe is called in
British Israel "The Burning of the Body of the
Eagle." We quote from the book Three Headed
Eagle, page 95, by British Iraelite A.E. Ferris.
"All the nations forming the body of the eagle
such as France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy,
and Spain, in fact, all the Roman Catholic
countries, will suffer a terrible judgement under
the wrath of God. the annihilation of all Roman
government, law religion, kings, priests, and son
on will be so complete that never again will the
Roman eagle appear, nor her heads, wings, little
wings, etc. This can only be accomplished by an
athiestic infidel revolution on the continent. As
the author forcast in 1940, the obvious agency to
bring this about is the spread of Communism on
the high tide of Russion victory prestige. Time
will show but it would seem that the fiery
destruction of the 2,000 year old Roman
civilization could only be achieved by an
atheistic ideology sweeping in. With the moral
backing of such a great power as Soviet Russia,
such a revolution seems inevitable."
To destroy Catholic Europe, the British Israel
combine of Jew and British leaders plan a
resurrected Roman Empire. (United States of
Europe.) Another rape of Europe is planned with a
neo-Nazi type Germany at the helm of leadership.
The German nation and all Europe should come to
the reality of the development of another fake
nationalism under the sign of the Eagle and the
Cross. The blood bath of World War II was enough
proof to the blood suckers of British Israel,
whose agents directed the rise and fall of the
Third Reich, that it could be done once more and
Europe would be good for at least one more rape.
Should we argue the point or shall we look at a
destroyed and divided Germany between British
Communism and the British controlled free world.
While we are harassed with the memory of the evil
deeds of a misled German poeple who killed a
mythical six million Jews, nothing is said of the
multimillions of dead and destittute Germans, who
were maneuvered into a Judas goat frontman Hitler
who was financed by British Jewish and other
international financiers and who was actually a
British plant who knew that the source of the
Aryan race bunk originated in the British Empire.
Nazie Germany is a living example that the shceme
of race and divine national origin is an ideology
of power politics to move nations to their death
and, sadly enough, this scouge has reared its
head in America and is about to rear its head
again in Europe.
The grand act of World War III will have a new
twist in that the resurrectd and remilitarized
roman Empire will be used to bring total
annihilation to the United States with the death
of millions; after which event, Russia and China
will be used to engage Europe to get the expected
result of mutual annihilation, leaving a
sovereign British Empire. The killing of millions
of Americans is explained in The True Eccesis
distributd by the British Israel World
Federation. "When the people of God (American and
British) sin, "Assyria" (Germany) is permitted by
the eternal God to chastise them by the very
wrath of man as in the days of Isaiah." In
preperation for World War III the "German Menace"
is kept alive with the daily review of World War
II Nazism. We are being manuevered into a
position of self-destruction.
To pursue the meaning of the propanganda of
British Israel and its interpretation for
America's future, as well as Europe's and the
Catholic Church, we quote from a booklet
distributed free of cost by the Radio Bible
Class, coast to coast. In reference to "the great
tribulation" De Haan, a British Israelite, says
on page 2: "This brief but intense and
unprecedented period of suffering, destruction,
and death, will last for a period of seven years,
and is called the Tribulation." He says on page
8: "This period of Tribulation, unprecedented in
all history, will immediately precede the public
return of the long-promised literal but postponed
Messianic Kingdom here upon the earth. It will be
a period of war, destruction, famine, and
pestilence ... and plunge the world into the
worst war of all history, culminating in the
battle of Armageddon."
This is a completely false interpretation of
scripture (the 70 weeks of Daniel) to support
cover-up for mansluaghter on a world scale and
here it is the teaching found in the Scofield
For further evidence of the anti-Catholic nature
of British Israel, we quote from a booklet
distributed by Destiny Publishers entitled, When
the Trumpet Sounds in which Howard Rand, the
author, seeks to show that a future union of
church and state will take place in the New Roman
Empire and Catholicism is the ecclesiastical part
of this union. On page 4 he states, "Many
Christian, misunderstanding the meaning of the
term 'anti-Christ,' fail to comprehend the whole
nature of the ecclesiastical power to which Paul
referred. Therefore they overlook its
identification (Pope of Rome) with the
anti-Christ." On page 6 he states: "This
destruction (great tribulation) is therefore to
descend upon the Roman hierarchy, the spurious
pretender to divine offices, upon the political
counerfeit of the Kingdom of God....." On page 10
he states: "The throne of David (the throne of
Jew-controlled Britian) not that of the Vatican,
will be the fount from which the promised peace
will flow unto all people."
We quote now a pragraph from the ame booklet
which unequivocably demonstrates
British-Jew-Masonic hate for the Roman Catholic
Church on the one hand, and proves that British
Israel is the Religion of Judaism on the other.
On page 29 he states: "There is no question but
that we are very near the day when the arrival of
the Lord will be universally heralded. When the
outshiing glory of His presence is revealed by
the sign of the son of man in heaven, every
fabrication of falsehood will be swept away. This
will include all concepts around which idolatrous
rituals and ceremonies of Roman Catholicism are
built. It will also bring to an end the rejection
of Judaism....."
We have stated that the scope of British Israel
political messianicism is to be understood
spiritually as Jew-Phariseeism (Talmudic
Judaism), that it operates from the framework or
skeleton of the British Empire including the
United States, that its instrument of action is
Masonry, that its plan of prophecy and its final
goal is the universal state with the mantle of
Crhistianity (Millenialism.)
British Israel propaganda prophecizes that a
remilitarized Germany will lead the beast system
(resurrected Roman Empire) against what they term
the Israel Nations of God. This "chastisement
will purify them" (Israel) and their new faith
will give them leadership of God's Kingdom.
Marxism is millenialism full blown. It was no
accident, perhaps, that Marx was writing when
millenialism was particularly strong in both
Britian and the United States.
The broad strategy of these British Israelites
can be summed up by their reference to the "Great
Tribulation" W.C. Nabors in his book Prophecy on
Parade, published by Destiny, Haverhill, Mass.
(Headquarters of Brtitish Israel in the United
States). "It simply means the final period in the
judgement of the nations during which the various
movements within the human family under divine
guidance and the intercession of Christ will be
guided to clean up this world mess and begin the
restoration of the nations of the world to a
peaceful government under Israel. The restoration
is to be initiated at Armageddon in the
destruction of the seed of desolation (he refers
here to the revived Roman Empire united with the
Catholic Church) and the return of Israel
(Anglo--Saxondom and the Jews) to world
government after she is punished. (This means
self-inflicted punishment to disguise the source
of the conspiracy) and after the experience of
going through this world fire which will remove
from her all of the dross and impurities (His
dross and impurities is our Constitution and free
enterprise system) and refine her into a true
national representative of God's elect."
This is what they are trying to get us to believe
in the name of Christianity.
Remember: Not one of the Reformers believed or
taught such an adulteration and not one of them
believed or taught the coming of a millenial age
after this gospel age: Luther, Calvin, Knox,
Wesley, not any other believed or taught such
Jewish hypocracy.
"Thus, while States are gravitating toward a Universal
Republic, the
becomes an infrangible
dictature, which according to its will grinds them down
or else thoroughly infects them; that
Super State
is called
(Msgr. Jouin, page 24,
The Papacy & Freemasonry,
Msgr. Jouin, 1930
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content has been
authorized by Craig Heimbichner, in whose honor the site
is dedicated.
"When the State refuses to give God what
belongs to God, by a necessary
consequence, it refuses to give to its
citizens that to which they, as men,
have a right. For whether one likes it
or not, the true rights of man spring
precisely from his duties towards God.
-- Pope Leo XIII
"Journalism is a false picture of the world,
thrown upon a lighted screen in
a dark room so that the real world is not seen
and the unreal word is seen.... We live under
secret government, conducted by a secret process
Publicity." (G.K. Chesterton, G.K.'s Weekly,
December 3, 1932, as
quoted from Rev. Fahey's The Mystical Body of
Christ in the Modern World,
p. xiii)