Satanism, Sex Crimes, and Consequences
[Above screen shot is from the video documentary They
Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll, an outstanding video
by Fight the Good Fight ministry.]
Texe Marrs
"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones
which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone
were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the
depth of the sea." (The words of Jesus; Matthew 18:6)
Imagine an elite group of evil child molesters meeting
privately in an undisclosed location. Imagine, too, these
wicked sexual predators making plans to conduct grotesque,
real-life experiments on innocent little boys and girls. In
these experiments, the children will be systematically
raped, sodomized, and physically violated. Detailed records
will be kept of the children's reactions so that pedophiles
worldwide can "enjoy" seeing the results.
Satanic Doctor to Conduct Experiment
Kinsey is shown here visiting satanic High Priest Aleister
Crowley's temple at Thelema, in Sicily, with occult porno
film maker Kenneth Anger. This photograph was obviously
posed to create deeply occult symbols and images. Next,
imagine this elite group deciding that these horrendous
sexual experiments are to be supervised by a well known
professor, or "doctor," of zoology. The chosen doctor
happens to be an admirer of the infamous British satanist,
Aleister Crowley (the Beast), and is himself a pedophile and
homosexual. He will be given millions of dollars to set up a
sexual laboratory and institute at a public university
somewhere in Middle America. After this doctor's depraved
team completes its abominable research, the mass media will
be employed. The nation's newspapers, television, and radio,
along with educational organizations, will join in
congratulating the pedophile research doctor on a job well
done. His name as a great thinker and scientist will go up
in lights. The whole world shall sing his praises and be
joyful for what this man has done to these little children,
all in the name of science.
The Work is Begun and is Successful
And so it is that the doctor of zoology and his helpers go
about their grim business of sexual molestation. Thousands
of children are thrown into beds. Pedophile molesters
described as "research associates" repugnantly and with
wicked abandon ravage their cringing, young bodies. Some
infants molested are only five months of age. The abused
children are counted as statistics and labeled as
"scientific subjects." All goes according to plan. The
satanist doctor's name becomes a household word. Educators
toast his brilliance. Commendatory books are published
examining his work and touting his findings. Clergymen and
readers of mass circulation magazines--including
family-oriented publications--agree with his conclusions and
change their attitudes and behaviors accordingly. No one
seems upset. No one is alarmed. Yet, thousands of children
are systematically tortured and raped. The majority of
people rejoice that a stunning sexual revolution has taken
place. Somehow, though, God's born again believers suspect
that the world will never again be the same. Never.
A Horror Movie...or Real?
Could what I have just described be the makings of a raw and
explicit horror movie? Or could it be real? Did these
monstrously sordid events and acts actually take place, and
in America no less, home of the brave and the free--a
country where the President almost daily claims he has done
this or that "for the good of our children?" In fact, the
scenes I have described are real. This vile plot and
activity did take place--and not in Nazi Germany either. Not
in Soviet Russia, not in Asia or in South America. These
things happened in America in the lifetime of most of us.
Furthermore, I believe they are still happening today as you
read this. Hundreds, even thousands of little boys and girls
are being offered up on the altar of pedophile sex magick.
They are being abused regularly and often, and the
authorities know about it and are doing nothing to prevent
these filthy and ungodly crimes from occurring. In a
mind-absorbing new book we are offering this month, Kinsey:
Crimes and Consequences--The Red Queen and the Grand Scheme,
Dr. Judith Reisman explodes the strange and malevolent myth
of Albert Kinsey, the world-acclaimed satanic doctor
responsible for this outrageous criminal atrocity. It was
Kinsey who burst on the scene in the early 50s with his
widely admired but shocking The Kinsey Report. The findings
in this report were based on Kinsey's book, Sexual Behavior
in the Adult Male. In it, the now famous Indiana University
sex researcher claimed that homosexuality--as well as almost
any other deviant and perverted sexual activity--is natural
and normal. Children, said Kinsey, are sexual from birth,
even in the crib. Kids just a year or two old were claimed
to want "positive" sex and said to enjoy pleasurable
feelings from sexual activity.
Children Strapped Down and Abused
Reisman's astonishing book documents some of the fiendish
ways in which Dr. Kinsey and his institute carried out much
of their research. For example, children three to seven
years in age were regularly strapped or held down while
grotesque sexual acts were performed on them. Stop watches
were often used to time the children's physical responses.
Judith Reisman appropriately asks: "Where were the police
and law enforcement authorities when these disgraceful and
outrageous criminal acts were being committed? Where is the
outrage in the academic community and the mass media today?
Why, seemingly, is no one disturbed or alarmed at these
atrocities committed in the name of science?"
Adult Sex with Children Normal
As this staged photo illustrates, the Illuminati's public
relations machine, with Rockefeller funding, created an
image of Kinsey as a nice, caring, family-oriented
researcher. In fact, he and his associates were part of an
international ring of sadistic, pedophile child torturers
and abusers. Kinsey's research findings were that adults who
used children for "sex outlets" were quite normal. One
Kinsey research associate, who was reported to have had
various forms of sexual activity with 800 children, was
deemed by Kinsey to be a "refined gentleman" and a
"scientific hero." Government funds were used to help
compensate this serial child molester for his contributions
to science! From Kinsey's flawed research conclusions a new
generation built an entire, new working theory of sexual
freedom and license. Kinsey was described by the press and
the academic world as the "Father of the Sexual Revolution."
Author and novelist Gore Vidal, himself a notorious
homosexual, candidly stated that Kinsey was "the most famous
man in America, in the world."
Rockefeller, Kinsey, and the Grand Scheme
In her revealing book, Dr. Judith Reisman for the first time
exposes Kinsey's satanist connections. She also unmasks the
fact that it was the Rockefeller Foundation that gave the
wicked Dr. Kinsey the money to conduct his sin-laden,
genocidal, child soul-killing research. At the heart of it
all was a "Grand Scheme" by the late Kinsey and his
associates to destroy the very building blocks of society.
Their goal was to create a New Civilization. The decadent
dream of the surviving conspirators remains. They are
determined to create a nonjudgmental, anti-God world where
homosexual pedophiles can treat children like slabs of meat
at a neighborhood flesh market--plundering them in the name
of "loving and caring for their needs." In effect, the
release of the Kinsey Report was a planned and staged event,
carefully and meticulously crafted in minute detail,
intended to dissolve morality and to manipulate and catapult
the entirety of humanity into a New Age of sexual and social
slavery. As such, the Grand Scheme worked beautifully.
Our Twisted and Sick Culture
Look around you, kind readers of Flashpoint, and ask
yourself: Why is our twisted and sick culture the way it is
today? Why have even the youngest of our kids become sexual
barbarians and menacing satanic warriors? Why is the MTV
generation so devoid of a conscience? And what of their
parents--the drug-crazed, sexually liberated, 60s New Age
generation? This was an entire generation made into zombies
by marijuana, cocaine, heavy metal music, and Hindu gurus.
Between the mixed-up kids and their demented parents,
America has become a dumbed-down nation of unthinking
feelies and sexually weird immorals.
Dr. Judith Reisman, whose sensational book, Kinsey: Crimes
and Consequences, fully documents the grotesque, sexual
crimes of Kinsey and the elite. This powerful book indicts
virtually the entire political, media, and academic
establishments of America. America is now so far gone that
no sooner is the President of the United States exposed as a
sexual molester of a 21-year old intern, engaging in oral
sex or possibly worse things in the very bowels of the oval
office in the White House, than--lo and behold--his
popularity ratings soar. The majority of Americans cry out
in unison to would-be accusers: "Leave our great President
alone! So what if he is a sexual predator? So what if he,
being a married man, has done these things to women, young
and old alike, in the oval office? Who cares? Our economy is
strong. We have money in our purses and billfolds. Anyway,
Bill Clinton is only an anointed reflection of us all. We're
all sexually free and liberated. America is Bill Clinton and
he is us!" Was it not Albert Kinsey, agent of the Illuminati
and its Grand Scheme, who began this wicked era of sexual
confusion and chaos? Why were he and his pedophile ring of
child molesting collaborators allowed to go unpunished? Why
have their sins been hidden from view for so long? And why
has the courageous Dr. Judith Reisman become so hated and
despised by the academic world since she first came out with
her eye-opening revelations about the sex crimes committed
by this elite group of international conspirators?
"The Wise Shall Understand"
As Reisman argues in her book, Kinsey: Crimes and
Consequences--The Red Queen and The Grand Scheme, it is time
that Americans discover how their way of life has been so
dramatically changed by an unheralded, little known cadre of
evil sexual perverts and their financial backers. It is time
that Americans learn of how monied "special interests" shut
down the lone Congressional Committee that dared
investigate. It is time for the truth to come out and be
told. As Jesus our Lord promised us in His Word, in the last
days many hidden secrets shall be uncovered, and the wise
shall understand: "And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the
words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the
wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall
understand; but the wise shall understand." (Daniel 12:9-10)
--Texe Marrs
"Thus, while States are gravitating toward a Universal
Republic, the
becomes an infrangible
dictature, which according to its will grinds them down
or else thoroughly infects them; that
Super State
is called
(Msgr. Jouin, page 24,
The Papacy & Freemasonry,
Msgr. Jouin, 1930
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or Craig Heimbichner or
or their associates. All materials posted herein
are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works. Neither this site nor its
content has been
authorized by Craig Heimbichner, in whose honor the site
is dedicated.
"When the State refuses to give God what
belongs to God, by a necessary
consequence, it refuses to give to its
citizens that to which they, as men,
have a right. For whether one likes it
or not, the true rights of man spring
precisely from his duties towards God.
-- Pope Leo XIII